Chinese New Year 1-5 Nintendo Switch Chinese New Year 1-5 1 Player 2 Player 3 Player 4 Player 1 Player 2 Player 3 Player 4 Player PlacePlayersScoreVideoDateNotes 1No entries so far352example.com2021-07-10 20:13:18So there don't seem to be any real records yet 3Play this level now!350oscwr.com2021-07-10 00:00:00You can type a polite message 4Submit, Your, Record, Today349youtube.com2021-07-10 00:00:00You'll be a shoe-in for first! 2You can be the first!351https://example.com2021-07-10 20:08:34Some notation may go here, HTML may work PlacePlayersScoreVideoDateNotes 7cinta Snoo1443 00:17:12This entry was programatically copied from data associated with post_id 2007 5Jenny Maai1916 00:48:49 1jensushi True2224 04:49:47 6Naoki vane1900 18:53:33This entry was programatically copied from data associated with post_id 2007 2Pixou Zaza142142 17:43:35 3Vane Jenny2097 16:08:44 4リサ True1930 01:26:46 PlacePlayersScoreVideoDateNotes 6bubble anna Jorieke2172 02:59:11This entry was programatically copied from data associated with post_id 2007 1Jess yuyu09 Candi2556 07:05:31 7Naoki Jenny vane2151 02:58:37This entry was programatically copied from data associated with post_id 2007 4Pixou Zaza14 ☆Cinthia☆2296 20:29:14 5vane Jenny Maai2181 03:01:01This entry was programatically copied from data associated with post_id 2007 3vane Jenny Maai2308 00:09:53 2クリームソーダ SY れれ2520 08:24:52 PlacePlayersScoreVideoDateNotes 1Jess Jensushi Candi yuyu092847 10:23:12